Data Visualization Via MATLAB (3 dimensional data)
MATLAB #PlotData Visualization Via MATLAB (3 dimensional data)The three dimensinal data are composed of matrix. Its data also has the position matrix. (x,y,z). We can plot the isosurface, contourlines, slice plots etc for this kind of data.
3d Contour Surface PlotsWe should extract the contour data via the function isosurface. Though I have completed the figure, I can’t understand the reason. I will give issulation later.
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 ...
3D contour plot via Mayavi
Python #PlotRecently I am interested in the data visualization and I have try different plots. Previously in my research work I ploted a 3d contour figure via MATLAB. Since the frequently used Python package Matplotlib has poor support on this kind of 3d data visualization. I also tried the Mayavi package before and I didn’t learn it well.
After reading a lot of examples I begin to control the skill of using Mayavi. I try to replot the original plots via python.
Here is the process. We firs ...
A rotated 3D contour plot via Mayavi
This figure is the Fig2 of my research work and I let it rotated.
This time I try o plot the 3d animated distribution via python package Mayavi
Different from the animated operation via using the Matplotlib, This 3d data visualization is more powerful.
I only upload the figure this time and I will write a complete note latterly.
The data are calculated via parameter sweep and store with txt format. We need load it
123456789101112# %% Load the datadis_tri = np.loadtxt('../3D_Animation/BigRangeSw ...
SublimeSublime Text 3 的安装及使用目前的编辑器非常多,比如Sublime,Atom, Vs Code等,都各有优劣。目前来看VS Code应该是份额最高、功能最全的。即使这样,也还有其不如人意的地方,比如一般开启比较慢。Sublime Text 3 是我大三时候经朋友推荐开始使用的,一直用到了现在博三(2019 12 28),用这款编辑器写过MATLAB, Python, Bash脚本, Markdown, Latex等,对其特性还是比较了解的,本片笔记将会从安装开始,详细写下Sublime Text 3 的安装及配置以及一些插件的使用。
软件安装Windows 平台直接去Sublime Text 3 官网下载对应的版本,最好选Windows的exe版本而不是portable version。下载好后一路点击安装确定就好了。
Linux 平台官网也有安装教程,以Ubuntu为例
Install the GPG key:
1wget -qO - | sudo apt ...
A rotated flower plotted via python (animated)
Python #PlotAll the python study code can be found in my own repository.
As a study of Python data visualization, I plot a 3D follower and let it rotated horizontally. The packages I used are
1234567import subprocessimport numpy as npfrom matplotlib import pyplot as pltfrom matplotlib import animationfrom mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3Dfrom matplotlib import cmfrom matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator
The follower is defined via the following data
12345678910[x, t] = np.meshgrid(np.array(ra ...
Useful Git Command
GitSimple useIn this note I will summarize the simple use of Git. How can we create new repository and upload the local folders to remote? Or after we changes or add new files, how can we update the changes?
1. Create new repositoryWe should create new repository in the remote. Then we clone the remote repository into local folder. We can make changes on the folder and update the changes via
123git add .git commmit -m "changes"git push -u origin master
”-u“ is for the first update.
2. Update ch ...
Inkscape #Darw问题解决:是因为自己的插件版本于inkscape版本不一致造成的。
安装好后,开始运行该软件的依赖测试文件 ,接下来就是一连串错误。
No module named elements or inkex.elements
当我运行 “setup_win.bat”时,出现以下信息
1234567891011121314151617181920Trying to find Inkscape...Trying registry root HKLM...Trying registry root HKCU...Inkscape found as C:\Program Files\Inkscape\inkscape.exeTrying to detect Python interpreter in Inkscape installation directory.. ...
切换文件夹123cd <folder name> # 移动到某一文件夹cd <./folder name> # 移动到当前某一文件夹cd <../folder name> # 移动到上一层目录的某一文件夹
显示文件夹信息12345ls # 列出当前文件夹下所有文件、文件夹ll # 列出当前文件夹下的文件、文件夹以及权限信息ls -lrth # 按时间顺序列出当前文件夹下的所有文件、文件夹的大小、可执行权限ls <folder name> #列出某一文件夹下的文件信息pwd #显示当前文件夹
复制、删除、重命名文件1234567rm <file name> #删除某一文件rm -r <foler name> # 删除某一文件夹rm ./* #删除当前文件夹下所有文件rm ./*.sh #删除当前文件夹下以 .sh结尾的所有文件,这是一种模糊匹配的方式,非常高效cp <current file> <destination folder& ...
MATLAB #RemoteDesktopwindows自带的远程桌面系统非常好用,比一些第三方的软件比如team viewer 要好用一些,因为其实现方式不同,导致也会有一些新的问题。今天要解决的就是MATLAB远程桌面不能使用报错的问题,这是由于MATLAB激活时选择的license文件时stand alone版本,不是服务器版本。在网络上搜索之后,知道如下解决方案:
需要手动修改“C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018b\licenses\license*.lic”文件的内容(实际位置和文件需要根据自己的MATLAB版本和位置修改),在该文件的每一行最后都加上一个“TS_OK”, 前两行如下
123456INCREMENT Aerospace_Blockset MLM 369 permanent uncounted \ VENDOR_STRING=vi=0:at=200:ae=1:lu=300:lo=IN:ei=6257193:lr=1: ...
ScientificSurf服务器的购买关于购买何种服务器,有比较多的人讨论,因为最近很多服务器涨价,以及很多服务器的ip被封,曾经大家非常推崇的搬瓦工目前已经不太能用了,我是在看了该介绍之后,按照该方法购买了hostwinds一个服务器,选择的是最便宜的版本,安装了ubuntu 16.04. 选择hostwind而不是搬瓦工等其他的,是基于
(1) 并且hostwind有24小时在线的客服,有啥问题可以直接问
(2) hostwind有针对ip被封的解决办法,我最开始填的地址在美国,导致分配的ip地址中国ping不了,在和客服说了以后更改了位置并且重启网络部署之后,ip就可以访问了。
本地登录本地登录需要首先有一个shadowsocks客户端,自己去github搜索下载即可,虽然原本的shadowsocks已经被删除了,但其实还有很多的备份,比如这个,下载安装windows版本之后,就可 ...