How to use COMSOL on server
COMSOLThis note is to show the way of using COMSOL on our server (ubuntu). We hope that we can run them with bash code in background and after we logout or exit the server the simulations will continue. We also need to know the simulation progress from a log file. These needs can all be satisfied only if you write proper bash code.
Run COMSOL on serverIf you want to run COMSOL on server, you can use the command of the following form
1nohup comsol batch -inputfile <inputfilename> -outputf ...
COMSOL Problem List and Solutions
IntroductionTo summarize the problems we often encountered in using COMSOL. I will update it later.
Problem 1 : No accumulated tables
Problem description:
We need define some global variables (such as the total power and radiative power) and when we do parameter sweep in COMSOL, an accumulated table should be generated to store the global variable. However, in a certain case when we have many tables in COMSOL and even if we have chosen the “Accumulated Table” to be ”New”, the table ...
Meep更新日志(2021 03 18)最近才知道自己以前安装的是非并行版本的Meep,为了不给大家造成困扰,我这里将以前的错误描述更正了。
(2023 04 22)最近发现官网的安装代码又有变化,按照老版本安装会有各种问题,所以我把安装代码也更新一下
(2023 09 23)近期安装发现,jupyter的安装有变化,依然使用以前的代码会导致安装不成功,这次将jupyter-notebook的安装更新完整了之前的安装命令是:1conda install jupyter
但最近安装有变化,根据jupyter最新的安装教程 :
1234567891011# 推荐使用conda forge源conda config --add channels conda-forgeconda config --set channel_priority strict# 如果安装jupyter notebookconda install notebook# 启动jupyter notebook# 如果是安装jupyterlabconda install jupyterlab# 启动jupyter lab
介绍 ...
Dipole's Emission In Multi-Layered Structure
IntroductionThis is the note of dipole radiation pattern calculations in a multilayer structure.
The numerical realizations can be found in my Github.
The derivations mainly follow the work of Olivier J. F et .al ref1
Extra wordsMy previous calculations are not helpful since we can not get the emission pattern. In previous cylindrical expressions, the integral in has been transformed into Bessel functions via
J_{n}(k_{\rho}\rho)=\frac{j^{-n}}{2\pi}\int_{0}^{2\pi}\mathrm{d}k_{\phi}\exp (jk_{\r ...
win10 按百分比显示电量的图标软件
2 Cool Apps to Show Remaining Battery Percentage on the Windows 10 Taskbar
这里面推荐了两款软件,我觉得第一个BatteryBar 更加符合我的审美和需求。可以点击作者的链接直接下载免费版 .最终下过如下
Dipole's Emission Near Sphere
Dipole’s Emission Near SphereIntroduction
As is shown in above figure, In this project I will simulate the dipole’s emission near a sphere. The sphere could be dielectric or metalic. The theoretic description could be found in this paper ref1.
We will analyze two different types of dipole orientations.
Radial dipole orientation which means dipole is orthogonal to the radial direction. $\mathrm{d}_{ort}$
Tangential dipole orientation which means dipole is parallel to the radial direction. $\ ...
如何更好的使用目录?解决方案来自于Table of contents with hyperlinks
12345678910111213nbTOC[nb_] := Button[Mouseover[#, Style[#, "HyperlinkActive"]] &@ First@NotebookRead@#, SelectionMove[#, All, CellContents], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> "Hyperlink", Alignment -> Left, ImageSize -> 1000] & /@ Cells[CellStyle -> {"Title", "Chapter", "Section", "Subsection", "Subsubsection"}] // CreatePalette[ Panel[Column[#, Divide ...
Mathematica 排版技巧
MathematicaMathematica 排版技巧[TOC]
Mathematica的每一个单元具有独立的属性,可以对整个单元的属性进行调整。Mathematica有不同的模板,称为“样式表”,默认新建一个Mathematica的文件,其样式表为“Defaul ...
Ubuntu安装COMSOL,MATLAB以及FDTD Solutions
MATLAB 2018a
Lumerical Fdtd Solutions 2016a
安装Lumerical Fdtd Solutions 2016aA.转换包rpm包为deb格式Lumerical官网对于linux的包只有rpm文件,即是为redhat等系统准备的,对于Debian/Ubuntu系统,需要将rpm转为deb包,工具为alien,安装方式为
12sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install alien
123sudo alien ./*.rpm## 或者sudo alien --scripts ./*.rpm
B. 逐个安装Lumerical的包逐个安装对应的软件Mo ...
Windows 目前windows笔记本的分辨率和色域都逐渐变好,不再是以前的1366768的TN屏幕。不过由于windows要适配各种型号的电脑,对于高分屏幕适配的根本不好。我自己的笔记本是13.3寸的1920 1080的屏幕,在打开一些软件的时候,会有字体模糊的现象。比如Mathematica,Vegas等等。这主要是软件没有针对该型号笔记本做专门的适配。解决方法有两种,第一种是将笔记本的缩放改成原来的100%,这对于小屏幕笔记本不友好,字体太小了。这里推荐第二种方法: