Useful python web and sources
Collection #Python
Useful package and corresponding web page
- Solveset Solve the equations better than solve
- scipy.interpolate.griddata interpolate the data with ununiform grid
- scipy.interpolate.interp interpolate the 1d data
- scipy.interpolate.interp2d interpolate the 1d data
- odeintw provides a wrapper of “scipy.integrate.odeint” that allows it to handle complex and matrix differential equations. That is, it can solve equations of the form.
- animatplot could let the animated plot easier and provide interactive choices.
- python package source file When some packages can’t be compile, we can download them from this web and directly install them.
- SciPy Cookbook Scipy数值计算库
- Sympy Sympy符号计算库,可以一定程度上代替Mathematica.
- Python非官方安装包 一些不能pip直接安装的软件可以在这个网站下载安装。
Useful web for study
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