How To Embed Animation Into Jupyter Notebook
Python #PlotRecently I struggled to choose the right way to write python. I’m not willing to use bloatware such as spyder to write. Since I want to feel very free when I want to start to write. This could be done via text eidter such as sublime text or vs code. However, my another demand is to write the note and code in the same file. This demand could be best solved via jupyter notebook when you want to solve something and show how you solve it.
I have tested the way of animating the plot by u ...
Python #Tools目的自己目前在用VNote写笔记,这个笔记软件非常便于我们管理本地Markdown文件,具体的用法后续会单独介绍,今天我要记录的是,怎么用python来复制特定的文件。
os.listdir() 可以展示某一个文件夹下的文件以及文件夹。缺点是只能展示一级文件夹。
os.walk() 可以遍历某一个文件夹下的所有文件以及 ...
Inkscape #DrawInkscape基础操作
F1 拾取器(Selector)按下Ctrl来进行水平或竖直移动再次在矩形上单击,控制器会发生变化按下Ctrl以保持旋转的角度为15度的整数倍按下Ctrl以保持扭曲(倾斜)的角度为15度的整数倍。
填充与轮廓- Shift+Ctrl+W
文本工具切换到文本工具 -F8文本和字体对话框-Shift+Ctrl+T
Belnder #DarwBlender新手常见问题汇总如何让摄像头跟随自己的当前屏幕的视角?按住0键会来到摄像机视角,而按住ctrl+alt+0 会将摄像机视角跟随过来
笔记本没有小键盘怎么破?可以在设置里面更改,点 Edie>Preference>Input ,然后勾选
[X] Emulate Numpad
Collection #Web在线工具
ezgif 线上的gif编辑工具
CMD Markdown 在线的Markdown编辑器
docsmall 在线gif格式文件压缩工具
latex2png 在线生成latex的公式的PNG图片,对于需要做PPT时,可能有用
GotoHttp 在线的基于浏览器的在线远程控制软件
overleaf 在线Latex书写工具,同时也有很多教程,比如数学表达式的表达,引用的用法
北邮人 BT软件站,北邮出品
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bokcc 英文书籍搜索资源网站 I
Library Genesis 英文书籍搜索资源网站 II
书伴 Kindle电子书资源网站 I
So Books Kindle电子书资源网站 II
foxebook 电子书资源网站 III (英文IT类)
allitebboks 电子书资源网站IIII (英文IT类)
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light Vahid 教授所在组
Shanhui Fan 范汕洄教授所在组
Light in complex ...
Data Visualization Via MATLAB (3 dimensional data)
MATLAB #PlotData Visualization Via MATLAB (3 dimensional data)The three dimensinal data are composed of matrix. Its data also has the position matrix. (x,y,z). We can plot the isosurface, contourlines, slice plots etc for this kind of data.
3d Contour Surface PlotsWe should extract the contour data via the function isosurface. Though I have completed the figure, I can’t understand the reason. I will give issulation later.
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 ...
3D contour plot via Mayavi
Python #PlotRecently I am interested in the data visualization and I have try different plots. Previously in my research work I ploted a 3d contour figure via MATLAB. Since the frequently used Python package Matplotlib has poor support on this kind of 3d data visualization. I also tried the Mayavi package before and I didn’t learn it well.
After reading a lot of examples I begin to control the skill of using Mayavi. I try to replot the original plots via python.
Here is the process. We firs ...
A rotated 3D contour plot via Mayavi
This figure is the Fig2 of my research work and I let it rotated.
This time I try o plot the 3d animated distribution via python package Mayavi
Different from the animated operation via using the Matplotlib, This 3d data visualization is more powerful.
I only upload the figure this time and I will write a complete note latterly.
The data are calculated via parameter sweep and store with txt format. We need load it
123456789101112# %% Load the datadis_tri = np.loadtxt('../3D_Animation/BigRangeSw ...
SublimeSublime Text 3 的安装及使用目前的编辑器非常多,比如Sublime,Atom, Vs Code等,都各有优劣。目前来看VS Code应该是份额最高、功能最全的。即使这样,也还有其不如人意的地方,比如一般开启比较慢。Sublime Text 3 是我大三时候经朋友推荐开始使用的,一直用到了现在博三(2019 12 28),用这款编辑器写过MATLAB, Python, Bash脚本, Markdown, Latex等,对其特性还是比较了解的,本片笔记将会从安装开始,详细写下Sublime Text 3 的安装及配置以及一些插件的使用。
软件安装Windows 平台直接去Sublime Text 3 官网下载对应的版本,最好选Windows的exe版本而不是portable version。下载好后一路点击安装确定就好了。
Linux 平台官网也有安装教程,以Ubuntu为例
Install the GPG key:
1wget -qO - | sudo apt ...
A rotated flower plotted via python (animated)
Python #PlotAll the python study code can be found in my own repository.
As a study of Python data visualization, I plot a 3D follower and let it rotated horizontally. The packages I used are
1234567import subprocessimport numpy as npfrom matplotlib import pyplot as pltfrom matplotlib import animationfrom mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3Dfrom matplotlib import cmfrom matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator
The follower is defined via the following data
12345678910[x, t] = np.meshgrid(np.array(ra ...